Quarterly Reports

Q1 2023 Report

The quarter ended up being slow for our marketing and partnership efforts, but our gameplay has improved significantly due to the amount of feedback we received from our internal partner playtests.

The game has significantly grown our socials past the 30,000 mark across our Discord and Twitter communities. In preparation for the mint, we are trying to find partners who want to collaborate from both the web2 and web3 worlds. We will continue to growth hack our way to the sky with genuine community members who are interested to follow Last Remains updates. A great place to start for periodic updates came with our new blog and we plan to introduce a Twitch channel soon.

Our conversations with esports teams have not been positive. Most teams are looking for monetary fees which are understandable, but not how we want to build Last Remains at this time. We have worked with many marketing agencies in web3 and one-off payments for campaigns is not the stage we are at as a business. We will continue to have conversations with web2 esports teams to see if any partners want to work closely with us.

Our gameplay has vastly improved. The combat continues to become better, lag improvements to help accommodate for machines with bad connections and the world has tripled in size. Most importantly, we have decreased crashes and increased our framerate on the GTX 1070 + Quad Core CPU from 30 FPS to 50 FPS on 1080P resolution. We can also now do 4K gaming on GTX 4080 at 40 FPS. Drop rates continue to get tuned and the team has been experimenting with team play which has been a great place to help teach friends how to play and also support each other from zombies. More randomness to extraction zones has been introduced, making it harder to predict where to get picked up. Most importantly, sound has stopped traveling through the walls which was an annoying part of the game to date. Thanks to the many who have tested with us, we have experienced fun along the way and are on the path to making a highly entertaining and competitive game!

Coming up, is our mint campaigns for Last Remains for Characters and Equipment. This will be critical to the project's success and fund the next 2 years of milestones which includes tournaments and a much more fun experience ahead.

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